Name: Martha Underwood
College: B.A. Scripps College
MFA Otis Arts Institute
Studied with:
Millard Sheets
Phil Dike
Jean and Arthur Ames
Bob wood
Rex Brandt
Jerry Brommer
Milford Zornes
Coachella Valley Watercolor League
Los Alamitos Community Art League
Las Artistas, Pasadena
Hillcrest Festival of the Arts
Pomona Valley Art Assn.
Associated Artists of the Inland Empire
Mid-valley Art Assn.
Chaffey Art Association Museum, Galleries
Claremont Heritage Celebration
Claremont Heritage Gallery
East Valley Art Association
Coachella Valley Watercolor Society
Mid-valley Art Assn.
Pomona School District Annual Art competition
21st Art Show Pasadena Presbyterian Church (with Tom Fong and Beverly Dunea)
22nd Art Show Pasadena Presbyterian Church (with Jerry Brommer and Dory Grade)
Pomona Valley Art Assn.
East Valley Art Assn.
Fontana Art Assn.
Pomona School District Art Competition
Southern California Art competition for Jr. and Sr. High school students-L.A. County